- To reduce dependence on chemical pesticides, bio-pesticides is one of the best options for pest and diseases management.
- Bio-pesticides are usually inherently less toxic than conventional pesticides.
- Bio-pesticides generally affect only the target pest/diseases and closely related organisms, in contrast to broad spectrum, conventional pesticides that may affect organisms as different as birds, insects, and mammals.
- Bio-pesticides often are effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly, thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides.
- When used as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or IDM programs, these can greatly decrease the use of conventional pesticides, while crop yields remain high.
- These are cheap, renewable can be handled safely.
- Difficult for insects to develop resistance to Bio-pesticides.
- Ability to multiply in the target cells.
- There are no problem of toxic residue as well as cross resistance.
- It leads permanent control of pest/disease or have long persisting effect.
- Ideally suited for integration with most other plant protection measures used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) / Integrated Diseases Management (IDM) programme.
- No fear of environment pollution and hence eco-friendly.
- Ideal for organic farming.